Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Photos for Dad

The Little Nies and I were discussing what we wanted
 to do for Daddy on Father's Day.
We talked about books, movies, music, tools, clothes, a fun toy, 
and then I suggested we each pick our favorite photo 
of ourselves and have it framed for his future office.
The children were pleased with that idea, and we  
spent hours on the computer searching for the perfect shot.
Do we pick a goofy picture, a cool one, a serious one, or an action photo?  
Well, I left it up to the Little Nies.
He will be delighted! 
(I have asked Mr. Nielson NOT to read today's post either).
 It will be a sweet gesture of our love to him.
 It's not another gadget that will break or get lost; these photos will hang in our house probably forever.
I am using Pinhole Press to help me create this project because
they are convenient and easy to work with.
Remember the fantastic family photo wall in Fox Hill:
I will post how it all turned out!

(I want to do this photo).

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