Saturday, May 04, 2024

Chicken Festival

Each year, our town of Siler City holds a "Chicken Festival." 
hosted by Mountaire Farms.
Mountaire Farms has a huge chicken plant downtown Siler, and this festival brings
out just about everyone for a fun Southern small-town gathering.
Christian jumped on this opportunity and got a booth to represent
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and
along with the full-time missionaries serving in the area, 
we distributed otter pops and copies of The Book of Mormon.
We provided information about who we are and 
where we meet for our Sunday services.
I helped Christian come up with and create ideas for 
 giant posters for the missionaries to hold 
to introduce our faith...kind of a 'Meet the Mormons' type feel.
On one poster, we added scriptures and asked people to decide if it came from 
The Book of Mormon or the Bible.
We also compiled a list of the top 20 questions that people search 
on Google about Mormons like, are Mormons Christian (YES), 
and do Mormon men have more than one wife (NO!).
It was a great way to mostly dispel some weird stuff people
think about members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The missionaries were so fearless and adorable, 
and I got a huge lump in my throat the whole time thinking about
my missionary, my Elder Nielson.
 Man, I miss that boy!
He'd be fearless, too.
The best part of the festival was when our missionaries got to perform 
with up-and-coming Jordan Pickett, a home-grown country star.
Jordan wrote a beautiful song called Faith, Hope, & Love.
It was a perfect song to sing with our faithful, God-loving missionaries!
Last month, Christian messaged Jordan on every social media platform he had 
to see if he would be willing to sing a song with the missionaries. 

He was so cool and said yes.
They practiced at our church and really nailed the performance!

You can watch the performance HERE.

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