Friday, August 25, 2023

Just Not Quite the Same

 I took this photo of me in August of 2007, the day before Claire,
It was a huge deal in our house!
Claire was our everything!  She was the magic and fun for the
other Nies.  Now, she'd be gone for half the day, and I 
was worried everyone would be bored.
Of course, we figured it out, and Claire loved school!
I remember I felt so mature having a child start school!
Now, I've had three children graduate High School,
Claire is in college, and I have two missionaries out 
and am preparing to send off Gigs for his last two years in High School,
and Lottie will enter Middle School.
What I wouldn't give to go back to August 13, 2007!
Just for a few minutes, even.
I'd walk around the Lazona house, look in every room,
check my mail (I thought I was stressed then!),
peek in my closet, and look at the toothbrushes in the kid's bathroom.
I'd check to see what clothes were in the
dryer waiting to be folded and put away, and I'd look 
at the menu I had planned for the week on the calendar by the refrigerator. 
I'd check out the projects I was working on and see my computer on
my desk where I'd journal and blog.
Back then, my blog style was cutting and pasting words onto the pictures.
Ha!  Remember that?
But the best part would be seeing the Nies, hugging them, talking to them,
and touching their little cheeks and hands. 
Take me back!
I feel like the accident took a huge chunk out of my life,
and those quiet, innocent days.
 I'm just not quite the same.

Tomorrow, we celebrate our 16th annual Back to School Feast!

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