Friday, June 30, 2023

Rocket Pops!

 Lottie and I made a fun 4th of July Rocket popsicle garland 
and hung it in the dining room. 
I saw this little creation in one of my magazines back in 2019.  
I ripped it out and saved it to do with my girl's one 
of these summers, but it hasn't happened
until today, with Lod.
 It's cute and was really fun to make together.
I used to create a lot more than I do now.
I'm trying to understand why.
Probably because I spend so much time outside with the 
chickens and my garden and flowers (my Zinnias, though!).
I want to change that.
I love creating things with my hands.
In fact, I just ordered a few custom paint-by-numbers that I am
really, REALLY excited to do this summer.

Isn't it amazing that the Lord knows each of us?
Turning our hearts and worries to the Lord is so incredible.
He knows.
He cares.
He will help.
Christian and I have put so much faith and hope in the Savior
as together, we move forward into some unknown territory.
We've felt so steady, like someone is holding us up at every turn.
We're less worried and more vigilant.
We're less uptight and more faithful.
We're less fearful and more committed to keeping our covenants with Him.
It's all going to work out.

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