Monday, June 19, 2023

Father's Day 2023

Happy Father's Day to the father of my children, my husband, 
my best friend, my Christian!
If only I could adequately write how much the Nies love and admire him.
They want to be like him, the girls want to marry men like him,
and they all want to spend as much time as they can with him; 
he can do no wrong.
He is compassionate, loves, teaches, and shares everything he is 
and has to help them develop and grow.
He is really the best!
I thank God every day for him.
We got him a lovely wind chime tuned to play 
the opening notes of Amazing Grace.
For my first Mother's Day after the accident, he got me some 
wind chimes and put them in the apple tree out my window so I could
listen to them while I lay in bed, sick and healing.
They remind me of hope.
They remind me of Christian.
Jane, Claire, and Ollie all called, and it was so fun to talk
We made pizza for dinner (his favorite). 
Actually, he loves cooking pizzas in our outdoor pizza oven,
so he technically made dinner.
We ate outside on the porch and had strawberry shortcake 
that Lottie and I made with delicious fresh cream and strawberry 
(with coconut syrup) topping.
It was a lovely, very quiet feathers day.

Also, I sent my dad circus peanuts for Father's Day.
Circus peanuts!!  Ha ha!
(Just for the record, he LIKES circus peanuts!)
My dad with my brother, Andrew, in 1992.
Dad was wearing denim on denim before J.Crew
said it was cool.

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