Friday, March 03, 2023

Spring Blooms!

Last October, I planted over 250 daffodil bulbs in various colors
and blooms.  They are just now popping up, and I am dead!
They are so gorgeous and dainty and darling!

Stillestead in spring is so charming!!

Home MTC Day #5
Today was MUCH better than yesterday, despite Ollie's face.
It's incredible to see God work through these young kids.
I overhear some of his conversations with his class and companion
and am in awe!
I literally cried like six times today and have cried
every day since he began home MTC.
The emotions hit me randomly, 
like today when I was folding laundry because I, too, KNOW that
this is God's true church on earth!!
I wouldn't send THREE (two pending) of my Nies,
my children, out into the world if I didn't believe it!
Go, Ollie, GO!


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