Tuesday, March 07, 2023

My Calm.

 Today, wow, today was amazing, and the weather was divine!
On MTC day 9, I joined Ollie spending his Zoom breaks 
outside under the bright sun, enjoying the sweet blossoms and smells.
The bees hummed, and the wind swayed the branches, 
shaking the blossoms and making them look like delicate snowflakes.
Ollie dragged out one of our beach chairs from the shed and
 enjoyed a nice nap and dose of vitamin D while Angus chilled beside him.
Today was like a calm story,
I even made a little "calm" video to send to Jane in Portugal
because I know she misses Spring at Stillestead.
I lay down on my back under the blossom tree and filmed
feeling so many tender feelings; for Jane, for Ollie,
for God, for change, and for life.

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