Monday, August 01, 2022

Welcome Home Dinner Brazil Style.

 Last night for Sunday dinner, Claire made us an authentic
deliciosa Brazillian meal!
She brought home a panella de barro to cook genuine 
moqueca capixaba with feijao brasileiro, arroz, 
salada de manga e tomate com alface, pao de queijo, topped with farofa.
Also on her menu was plantains, and for dessert, 
bringadeiros e bejinnos, and pacoca.
Brazillian beans, rice, vegetables, mango & tomato salad,
banana chips, soup with cod, shrimp, tomatoes, spices,
cheese balls (my favorite), and 
guaraná to drink along with suco de goiaba (passion fruit juice).
Before dinner, Claire passed out soccer jerseys for all of us to wear.
Soccer is life in Brazil.
It was fantastic!
And just like that, a new Nielson family tradition was born.
From here on out, we've decided that when a Nie returns from their mission,
they *get* to cook a special dinner using the authentic food, recipes, 
and ingredients from the area they served in.
Claire brought home a lot of different and fun spices and her friends
sent her home with recipes and tips for making the best food.
All the Nies helped Claire prepare and cook the meal.
Dinner was delicious, and I was totally impressed!
I set the table in a Brazillian theme and scattered photos of Claire
throughout her 18 months of serving
(including her time in New Hampshire!)
We can't wait when Jane gets home, and we eat... 
authentic food from Portugal.
Even though we heard they eat a lot of sardines.
We'll still do it!  
After dinner, the weather turned cozy and windy, 
and we abandoned the table and went for a walk outside.
Just as we came home, it
started to rain, and lightning and thunder followed.
We sat on the porch swings eating dessert while watching the storm.
These are the best days, and my mama's heart is bursting!

Welcome, August!
* * * 
Look! the round-cheeked moon floats high,
In the glowing August sky,
Quenching all her neighbor stars,
Save the steady flame of Mars.
White as silver shines the sea,
Far-off sails like phantoms be,
Gliding o'er that lake of light,
Vanishing in nether night.
Heavy hangs the tasseled corn,
Sighing for the cordial morn;
But the marshy-meadows bare,
Love this spectral-lighted air,
Drink the dews and lift their song,
Chirp of crickets all night long;
Earth and sea enchanted lie
'Neath that moon-usurped sky.
-Emma Lazarus

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