Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Preparing for the New Year.

Early this morning, the boys left for the ranch 
to work on their welding project.
The girls and I stayed home and (sadly) took down some Christmas decor.
BUT I got out our New Year decorations, which made taking
Christmas down not as sad.
Our trees are past dead.
They are fire hazards at this point.
I took off the ornaments and added party hats on their brittle needles.  
While I did that, Jane made delicious, beautiful Danish pastries.
She's a master at baking, and we are all so grateful!
And I told Lottie she needed to clean her stuffed animal collection.
Since Christmas, she accumulated several more; she's a sucker for stuffies!
She has a basket to keep them in, and they are filled to the brim
and spilling over.
I told her she could only keep as many as would fit in the (large) basket.
It was a hard decision for her, but Jane and I gave her all
the support in the world, and she did it!
As a little girl, I wasn't really into stuffed animals, except for 
a stuffed Koala bear that my Nana gave me.
Some kids just really, really love them (Lottie!).
Then we went to visit the boys and take them lunch 
(and Jane's Danishes!).
I got tickets for Lod and me to see Sing 2 (I cried).
It was cute.
But mostly just fun being with just Lottie.
And with the popcorn and Junior Mints.

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