Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021.

What a beautiful Thanksgiving day we had!  
There was no turkey bowl for the boys this year; instead, the whole family played some basketball.
 (Ok, basically, it was just me and the boys) 
Ollie & me vs. Christian & Gigs.
Then Ollie & Gigs vs. Me & Christian,
and a few rounds of Speed and PIG.
I try to not be competitive, but I can't help it.  
Sometimes I really hate that about myself.
Jane showed me this photo of me earlier this summer playing basketball 
at a pick-up game while we were in Newport.
Me vs. 10 little boys.
I was dead serious.
But back to Thanksgiving!
After we got back from basketball, we began dinner I began dinner. 
(I love it!)  
We sat down around 6:00 and began our feast.
This year the girls and I made a bread turkey.
It was the highlight of dinner!
It will definitely be a Nielson Thanksgiving tradition.
It had rosemary and sage baked in the dough and tasted like stuffing.
It was delicious and funny, too.
I wanted to keep it a secret from everyone so I could carry
it into the dining room on a platter like the Norman Rockwell painting
and have everyone ooh and ahh.
Then Claire called from Brazil.
It was so fun to talk to her.
I had a place set for her at our table.
She was there in spirit.  
On the Menu:
Lemony Brussels Sprout Salad
Herb Stuffing
Roasted Pears and Red Onions
Sweet Marshmellow Casserole
Small Buttered Potatoes
Pomegranate and Rasberry Salad (Jane made this, and it was delicious!)
Turkey bread and,
a colorful charcuterie board.
Jane and I made three fantastic pies:
-Classic pumpkin with cream
-Rootbeer float topped with 6" of Meringue
-Brownie pie 
served with hot spicy wassail.
It was decided that the pumpkin was the best.
We cleaned up, lit all the candles in the house, turned off the lights,
and watched movies until 1:00 pm.
These are the days!
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