Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Moving slow

Today I spent most of the day decorating The White House for Christmas.  
I find so much joy in this part of the holidays so
I move really slow and give my projects all the time and attention
 I want, even the smallest corner of the house.
It took me nearly all afternoon to string the lights and our
 Scandinavian (Denmark & Norway) paper flags around the tree. 
 Well, to be fair I began stringing the tree with the wrong end on top,
 so I had to undo it all and then start over, and I wasn't even mad about it.
This year I ordered  Bright Lab Lights to cover my trees 
(we have 5!) and I don't think I will ever go back to any other lighting,
I love them that much.

I am going to bed tonight with boxes all over the house.
Tomorrow I am hoping for another slow moving decorating day.

I LOVE when The Little Nies walk in the door from school
 and the house is festive, smells good, and is clean!
I remember loving that as a child too, and my mom was really good at it.
I always felt safe, and happy, and peaceful, and excited, and content.
And in my humble opinion, that's what homemaking is all about.
And that is a something I can give to my children each day,
and they deserve it too.
Tonight around the dinner table we had our daily Christmas devotional
and sang a Christmas hymn together.
I choked back the tears, I love this time of year.  
I love my Savior whom we celebrate and honor. 
“Christmas is … a time of generosity. Inspired by that spirit,
 we sometimes spend hours looking 
for the perfect gift to give our friends and families.
 … We are prompted to spend a little more time with those we love. 
We become more aware of those in need, and often we extend ourselves
 more generously to aid them. All of this is our imperfect but
 heartfelt echo of the generosity of our Savior, whose birth we seek to honor.”
-Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Mr. Nielson even put a wreath on his car!
He's one of those guys!

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