Thursday, January 07, 2016

Right Back At Cha

Yesterday, Mr. Nielson and I assembled a
 large batch of copies of the Book of Mormon. 
These copies will be shipped to people who have requested
 them worldwide, 
from Germany to Spain to Cyprus to Texas to Boston and everywhere in between. 
If you would like to request a free copy of my favorite book, 

One of my other 2016 commitments  
(remember I am using that word instead of goal), is 
to finally write and thank so many of you, my loving supporters 
who send and have sent me 
amazing notes of encouragement, your works of art, your books, your talents,
and fun gifts for us, including (and especially) for the Little Nies.
I love and appreciate you!  Better late than never.

It's hard to express how much you've meant to me over the years. 
Your faith and hope have been crucial in helping me 
through some of my darkest hours, yet I don't think you'll 
ever truly know the extent of your impact. 
I'm planning to start a huge task soon, going through the many boxes
 of love notes that I've saved since the accident in 2008.

Thank you so much!

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