Friday, January 12, 2018

Nowhere I'd Rather Be

Yesterday afternoon and after we closed the books and finished school,
 I walked outside to get some fresh air and take 
Angus for a little stroll around the homestead.
As the sun sank, I walked back into the house to the kitchen, 
put on my apron, and began chopping vegetables for dinner.

On two cooking pans, I loaded up butternut squash, purple onion,
 carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, and parsnips with garlic, salt, and pepper smothered in olive oil.
While I chopped, Claire and Lottie played outside with Angus,
 the boys rode their motorcycles around the dusty roads while
 Jane prepared the cherry sauce for our dessert.
The warm day was being replaced with a chill, and before
 I knew it; everyone was back inside, gathered around the kitchen 
fireplace waiting for dinner.
Mr. Nielson walked into the kitchen with his coveralls 
and a dirty face just as I was taking the rolls out of the oven. 
 Perfect timing.
After the blessing on the food, I watched my husband and my children  
spoon large helpings of food onto their plates.
We ate and talked and laughed, and I was indeed absolutely happy. 
 I couldn't think of anywhere I would rather be in a 
cluttered kitchen sitting over a beautiful table eating delicious, colorful food.
And cheese, because what's a meal without cheese?
And I couldn't think of anything I would rather be doing than 
serving my favorite people enjoying good conversation. 
 My kids are actually really funny.
After dinner and clean-up, we went into the living room to sit by the fire to eat 
rice creme with Jane's cherry sauce.
 We discussed our weekend plans (headed to the Q) and reviewed the day.
It was a good week- except for my
 nasty runny nose and sore throat.
I am grateful for the weekend to relax and heal.

 * * * * * * **
 Spiritual Enlightenment:

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