Today, we finally got our Christmas trees!
I say finally because usually by now (even before Thanksgiving!)
I have my trees up.
I've been preoccupied this year with Barre3 stuff.
Christian and I went together and picked out two very ordinary-looking trees.
I say this every year, but I really miss Christmas tree stands in Utah.
Especially Baums in Provo because they at least had a
variety of sizes, shapes, and options!
Here in NC, you get one style and size.
And it's boring!
I bought some do-it-yourself flock, which will jazz it up a little.
Then, on the way home, I hit a deer and smashed up my car.
Suddenly, putting up the trees didn't sound so great anymore.
It's like dodging bullets on the road to Stillestead because
deer come out of nowhere and practically ask to get hit.
I know what I'm getting for Christmas.
A new bumper.