Monday, December 16, 2024

24th Wedding Anniversary

 Today, Christian and I celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary!
A new hotel was just built downtown Pittsboro (the only one! Yay, P-town!).
We stayed there for the night, went to dinner at our favorite place in Carrboro, 
lunch in Chapel Hill,
and did a little Christmas shopping in Durham.
This is a very typical wedding anniversary for us, 
and it has been for 24 years (and counting!).

I love you, Christian Mark Nielson.
I am so happy you walked into my Dad's office
25 years ago, and asked me out even though I had a boyfriend.

We've seen highs and lows, celebrated, pivoted, experienced
joys, sorrow, children, jobs, animals, responsibilities, service, 
and stayed faithful and loyal to each other and to God all along the way!

Here's to 24 more!

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