Wednesday, January 17, 2024


There is this little space upstairs with a beautiful view overlooking 
Stillestead pastures and last Summer,
 I moved my desk into that space to write and work.  
 I had a few rolls of this cool wallpaper that I had bought for another project, 
which never happened (shocker), so I decided I would
 finish this little space with the wallpaper because surely 
two rolls are enough for this tiny space, right?  Wrong.

Rule #1 of wallpapering is always to measure your wall before 
buying paper because while I thought I had plenty of wallpaper, 
it turns out I wasn't even close.  So, this project happened in stages.
Stage #1 July 2023
Stage #2 October 2023
Stage #3 December 2023
Stage #4 (final stage) January 2024
I love it.  It's very Hygge.  
Also, I asked Christian to add some wood shelving to the wall.
When I sit in my dark Hygge nook, I feel safe and secure.
I'm reading the most wonderful book by Meik Wiking,
one of my Danish heroes, on making a home happier with what you 
already have.  
He explains that the very definition of Hygge is enjoying the process; 
it's about taking things slowly and looking forward to the results.
I've been looking forward to this for months!

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