Monday, January 08, 2024

Kitchen Duty

I'm back at it; Operation Organization Jane is still full force. 
 Today's mission: kitchen, including every single cupboard,
drawer, shelf, and in the pantry.

I went through food, threw away expired stuff,
donated food to my church, and carefully and responsibly,
I might add disposed of old pills and medicine.

The Christmas stuff is still on the porch, waiting to get put away,
and I didn't finish all I wanted to.
To be honest, 
I was a little grumpy; if anyone was hungry, too bad.
They were not allowed in the kitchen during today's OOJ.
When dinnertime came, and I still wasn't done, I was so thankful
that Christian suggested we go out.

I'm happy to report that by 10:45, it was done.


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