Monday, November 06, 2023

There's A Chance


Mondays always start early because it's P-day for my missionaries,
 and Jane is 6 hours ahead of me. Sometimes, I receive a notification 
on my phone at 4:00 a.m., and it's Jane letting me know 
she is eager to talk to me when I wake up.
We usually talk while I help Lottie get up and ready and talk
as I drive her to school.
Jane was just asked to serve as the Sister AP (assistant to the President).
This is a big responsibility, and I am so proud of her for accepting
this assignment. She is a good leader, but even more than that,
she's naturally sympathetic and can connect with
fellow missionaries and the friends she's serving.
She'll do so much good; she's just THE BEST!
In our family group chat, I asked Elder and Sister Nielson,
including Claire, to each read a sentence in their Portuguese.
I say "their" because each of them has a different accent.
I wanted them to each say:
I love my mom so much!
I miss her more than I can say.
I miss her food, working out with her, and then
getting lunch together at our favorite restaurant, Chopt.
I can't wait to see my mom again soon.
I love you, mom!

They each responded by recording themselves, and I LOVED IT SO MUCH!
We all laughed, and they teased me that I needed to learn Portuguese
or else they'd talk about me, and I'd never know what they were saying.
Sheesh, I'm their MOTHER, for heaven's sake! 
The thing is, I DO want to go on a mission one day with Christian,
and there might be a chance I'd need to learn a language.
And yes, I guess there is a chance it could be Portuguese.
I'm exhausted even thinking about that.

I'll wait for that day.

With the Church's updated policy regarding missionaries
being able to submit their mission application 150 days before
their availability date, Gigs will be able to submit his mission papers
in ONE YEAR, and there is a chance HE, too, could speak Portuguese!

 I'm dead thinking about that.
But I'm also super excited!

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