Monday, October 23, 2023

Halloween Across The World

This afternoon, Lottie, Gigs, and I went to the grocery store
 and picked out our pumpkins!
It was much different (and a little boring) than going to a pumpkin patch, 
but this was so convenient! 
Plus, we got a donut inside the store.
Yes, please.
We spent most of the afternoon talking to our missionaries
on the phone.
Jane and Ollie are doing well.
I asked both of them if Halloween was celebrated where they were serving,
 but they both said no, not really.
I mean, I know it's a weird American holiday,
but some places celebrate it.
Jane did happen to find a few pumpkin decorations at a 
World Market type store she found on P-day.
They look cute in her apartment, and I know it makes her happy.
Ollie bought some spices to make "Witches Brew,"
which is the delicious-smelling simmer I make on the stove
during these Hygge months.
I love that he made it for his apartment! 
He said his companions thought he was crazy 
but that they loved the way it made their apartment smell!
Proud of you, son!
You know that quote by L. M. Montgomery,
"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."

I would modify that and say,
"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Halloweens."

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