Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Missing Ball

Tonight, while Chrisitan and I signed new school forms
Gigs brought out his drone gear and showed us
all the amazing maneuvers he can do. I peered through his goggles 
and felt as though I was inside the drone as he flew around, 
taking me through every room, onto the porch outside, 
and even under tables and chairs. During our drone adventure, 
we stumbled upon Angus's favorite missing ball!
Gigs is feeling some weight and pressure from his Junior year, 
which is considered the most important year of high school. 
He is determined to improve his grades and attitude. 
He's dedicated; he goes to 6:25 seminary (with a 5:45 wake-up time),
and goes to the gym and/or works at the golf course after school.
I'm so proud of him.
Sometimes, I look at him and want to cry. He just gets my heart.
You know that feeling?
I love having daily conversations with him on my bed, 
discussing his day, career aspirations, and thoughts on adulthood.
He's doing it.
All I want for him is to have a relationship with God,
because then he will have the confidence to do anything in his life.

I really hope he finds a career in drones or bugs, or botany, or 
animals...or all of the above?

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