Saturday, July 22, 2023

Not giving up!

 Today at Stillestead...
I cut a bouquet of adorable Zinna's for the pulpit
 at church tomorrow.

Chrisitan gave Angus a haircut.
Holy moly, was it time!!!
He was looking like a bear cub again.

And we attempted to castrate Indy...again,
and it took us a little while to find him....again.
When we did, he was snuggled under some trees in the woods.
We decided to hold off again until the evening when the temperatures
cool off.  It's boiling here, and the cattle can be negatively affected,
so unnecessary stress is not advised.
We're not in a big hurry anyway.
(Except that he's getting bigger every day!)
So we practiced our roping skills instead.
We'll be back, Indy!
We're NOT giving up!

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