Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Freedom Float....4th of July 2023

Gigs has committed to the summer of 2023 to be his
"Summer of Swole" and is going to our
friends' home gym to work out every morning.
He's been really strict, gets up early, and rides his motorcycle there
for a full hour.  This is quite the commitment for my sleepy boy.
I thought that since it was a holiday 
(and he stayed up super late last night) 
he'd ditch the workout this morning, nope.
Christian and I left for a Barre class, then grabbed breakfast together after.
Have I mentioned that I LOVE being with that guy?
He's the best.
We came home, and Gigs was asleep, which he usually does after
his workout. Lottie was playing with the chickens waiting 
for us to come home. 
Our 4th of July plans included floating the Haw River.
As a family, we've done it many times; this time is slightly different since
it's just the four of us.
I'm still trying to get used to having only two children.
We picked up lunch, ate half, and packed half.
We each had our own kayak and embarked on the river.
At first, it was a little crowded with people on tubes and just playing
in the murky warm water, but once we passed them, we had
the whole 3.6-mile river to ourselves.
We stopped just about every mile to jump in the water, eat a snack,
and then attempted to eat the other half of our sandwiches only to find
they had been exposed to the water from a leaky
backpack and were now soggy.
So...Happy 4th of July, fishies!
We spotted Bald Eagles and all kinds of cool birds; 
the water was like 80 degrees. 
It was really a beautiful afternoon!
We got shakes (well, I did) and Boba for the end of the evening.
We went home, and a few pastures over, 
our neighbor lit fantastic fireworks. 
(The illegal kind.  Oh ya).
  We had our own show, too.
Then Gigs got sprayed by a skunk 
(who we think lives under Stillestead)
and that put a hard stop to the night.
It was a fantastic day!
And Happy Birthday, Dad!!

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