Wednesday, June 28, 2023

It's been beautiful!

Claire flew back to Pheonix late this afternoon since 
her shift begins at the hospital tomorrow.  It just all went too fast.
I swear we were JUST picking her up.
This is how this feels...and I don't like it. 
What on earth will Lottie do without a buddy?
A sister to talk to, laugh with, sleep with, and watch memes with?!
She's been the happiest I've seen her in months!
We're all just dying.
BUT...we've planned her return trip for
our annual Back to School Feast in August,
so we have something to look forward to there.
And I may just fly out to visit her...but you know,
no one really visits Phoenix in the summer, and North Carolina
is stunning this time of year, and then there's the fact that I HATE FLYING.
But we'll see. 
When I see Claire and Lottie, I see me and my oldest sister, Page.
She and I, like Lottie and Claire, are ten years apart.
It seemed like a huge gap when we were younger, 
but once we were married, we had babies at the same time,
and it just put us on a level together where we were
not just the oldest and younger; we were genuine friends.
Page and I lost connection for a few years but are building back
a loving and trusting relationship.
It's been beautiful.
One day, Claire and Lottie (Jane, too!) might all be
having babies, raising children, and being
mothers and wives at the same time, and I hope that
will connect them in beautiful ways.

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