Sunday, May 28, 2023

Oliver in Brazil: May 2023

 Hello everybody!!!!!
Sorry, I haven't sent any emails in a while!
I've been so busy and have literally no time!
These past few weeks have been nuts. Tons of stuff has happened. 
I don't know where to begin.

We arrived in the field and met our mission president and his wife, 
and then ate authentic São Paulo Interlagos Pizza. 
Which is soooooooo good. It's hard to explain, 
but I'm starting to like it more than American pizza. 
And the best part about it is they stuff chocolate in the crust. 
And let me tell you, chocolate in Brazil is the best chocolate on the planet. 
It also just makes sense; you eat savory till sweet. 

After we got out trainers. I have Elder Molgard. 
He's been great. We opened a new area, and it's been awesome.
 We've found so many people to teach.
Brazilians are extremely easy to teach. 
Everyone believes in God and accepts Jesus Christ as their Savior. 
It's made teaching the restored gospel and baptizing them so much easier. 
The first week was pretty rough. 
We haven't spoken a single word of English this whole time I've been here 
(except for when I talk with the fam on P-day). 
It's been really discouraging and frustrating, but I've learned so much. 
And it's much better now. I'm starting to understand and speak better than I thought I would.  
I really miss Peanut Butter, music, dirt bikes, 
American football and star wars, but the miracles 
I've witnessed, and the amazing people I've met make up for it. 
We've taught so many bright people; their kindness, 
humor, and love are unmatched. I'm so thankful to be here.

This truly is a great work. It's a special opportunity to
 dedicate time to serve the lord for 2 years.
 And I'm so thankful that I can assist in this great work. 
I'm so grateful for the book of Mórmon; it has blessed my 
life so much and has been such a guide on my mission. 
I'm so thankful to have a prophet who guides and 
receives revelation for Christ's church. 
And I'm so thankful to have a wonderful family who loves and supports me. 

I love you all so much.

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