Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Trio.

What will Lottie do when Jane leaves for Portugal in August?!
Today I took a photo of Jane and Lottie, 
Lottie obviously talking Jane's ear off like she does sometimes.
 It's the sweetest, mainly because Jane is so
interested in what she says, so engaged and available to hear her talk.
The only silver lining to this ordeal is that Claire will be home
from her mission and can fill the place Jane left in Lottie's life.
These girls are so close, and it's so beautiful.
Splitting up Clane when Claire left on her mission was heartbreak.
And here we are doing it all over again.
But we are doing it FOR HIM, and that knowledge makes heartbreak
a little bit easier to take.
I am so grateful the three of them 
will get to reunite for nearly three weeks before Jane heads out
and we split up the gang again.

We're going to make it the best three weeks yet!

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