Wednesday, May 04, 2022


 Today Oliver spruced up Christian's motorcycle cleaning it, 
changing the oil, and adjusting things.  
I love when Ollie gets home from school, 
changes into his Carhart overalls and spends all-day 
outside or in the garage fiddling with his motorcycle.  
The first thing he did after he got his new Yamaha a few weeks ago
was take the engine entirely out to
 understand it, then he put it back together?  
He's incredible, and I love the way his brain works.
Meanwhile, inside, Lottie drew the cutest picture.
Half of the page was with Claire in her black prom dress in "Brazil"
and the other half was Jane in her green prom dress in Portugal.

I am so grateful Claire will be home before Jane leaves
because I don't know what Lottie would
 do without her big sisters!

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