Friday, March 25, 2022


This evening Christian and I went out for our weekly date.  
We drove to my favorite restaurant in Chapel Hill, Chpot, for dinner.
When we walked into the restaurant, I noticed a sack
with "Claire Nielsen" at the to-go table.  
I gasped!  It made me so homesick for my Claire bear.  
I eagerly waited to see who would pick up the bag; somewhere deep down
inside me kind of thought that just maybe I'd see Claire come in-
even though I knew, really, she wouldn't.
It must have been Claire's husband or something because
a man came in and grabbed the bag.
After we got our food, we sat down and messaged Claire a video,
and told her how much we loved her and how proud of her we are,
she'll get it tomorrow when she wakes up.
I hope it makes her happy.

Also, it cost $150 to fill up my car.
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