Saturday, January 01, 2022

New Years Day 2022/Polar Plunge.

 Happy New Year 2022!
To welcome the new year, we drove to Willmington to take a refreshing dip
in the chilly Atlantic Ocean for our 2022 Polar Plunge!

It was coooold!
Before we left for the beach, I boiled water, put it in a thermos then brought
 hot chocolate, whipped cream, marshmallows, 
and tea so after our dip, we could warm up.
That saved us from freezing.
Christian told the Nies on our drive down that he had read in 
The Book of Mormon that morning in Mosiah 18:10
about baptism, and while this polar plunge isn't baptism by any means,
 it is kind of symbolic of us dipping ourselves into the water 
as we wash away 2021 and welcome 2022.
"Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, 
what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, 
as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, 
that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, 
that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?"
In a way, this refreshing dip helped us reflect and remember our own
baptism days, and the covents we made with God.
After warming up 
(and taking turns secretly changing out of our wet suits in the car),
we drove to Willmington's premiere Thai food restaurant for dinner.
Of course, it was about a 3-hour wait, and since 
we had a few hours of driving ahead
of us, we opted for take-out (still a 1 1/2 wait!) and parked in a 
lonely parking lot at a Montessori school and ate under the street light.

This was a New Year's Day for the books.
(except we missed Claire soooo much!).

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