Saturday, September 18, 2021

Cash Stash

Occasionally Gigs and Ollie work with Christian after school
and Gigs has accumulated quite the cash stash in a tin near his bed.
We decided it was time for him to open a checking account.
(We opened one up for Ollie last year when he got his job).
So, while the nice bank manager was assisting us and typing
things madly into her computer she asked
Gigs what would be the first thing he would buy with his new debit card.
 Gigs responded with a shrug,
 "I don't know probably Chick-fil-A or something like that."
Then she asked him to sign his name on the pin pad to acknowledge 
his new account.
He took the pen and wrote in big letters
GIGS with an x after it.
I looked at him and he looked at me.
Then I said, "Honey, you'll probably need to write your real name."
"Oh, yeah, maybe I need to do that." He said to me pushing the cancel button.
"I think so". Then I suggested, "maybe sign it in cursive or something
fancy like that.  Try and make it look like you're almost 15, not 5."
We had a good laugh.
And yes, we did go directly to Chick-fil-A after the bank
for a milkshake and waffle fries and when I asked him
try out his new card to pay for it, he said,
"No way, I'm not spending my money on this!
This is a waste!"
Welcome to the real world, Gigs!

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