Tuesday, September 28, 2021

A Step Forward.

Today after school, Lottie and I stopped by Christian's office
 to pick up some papers, grab a Sodabox drink, and do some
 homework with their super-fast office wifi.
Then, Christian had a very important phone call come through
so Lottie and I stepped out into the stairwell, where we played a game.
She would start at the bottom of the stairs, and I would ask her a question like
multiplication questions, science, Disney characters, 
and our favorite Halloween cartoon trivia.
If she got the question right, she'd step up one step, 
if she got it wrong, she'd go back down.

There are a lot of things in my life that is a little unsettled right now,
and it feels like I go up a step only to take three or four steps back.
It's been tempting to wonder where the Lord is in my life.
But my love and devotion for Him, my children, 
and Chrisitan are stable and sure.  I'm so grateful.
Tomorrow we are holding the Nielson Family Back to School Feast in
what I think is less than ideal, but the show MUST go on.
I put this off for so long, hoping and thinking we'd be in a better place
to have this special event.
But I realized that it's about the memories we make,
the feelings we feel, and the unity as a family that
is what matters; in fact, it's why I make these special dinners happen in 
the first place!!
I think the Lord is breaking me down layer by layer and helping
me understand and realize these important truths to get 
to the things that matter most,
and it's not about the decorations, the crowns, the gifts, or the food.
(Although it's one of my favorite parts, and I know He knows 
and values this as an important element of this dinner, too).
But it's all about family and feeling His spirit,
 especially as we discuss our new theme
and how we will implement it.
It's about simplifying and seeing pure truth in our family time.
With the Lord, ALL OUR EFFORTS are a step forward and NEVER a step back.
I am grateful for this knowledge.
This Back to School Feast is going to be
 extra special in a different sort of way.
* * * * *
 "We must place high priority on our families. 
We build deep and loving family relationships by doing simple things together, 
like family dinner and family home evening and by just having fun together. 
In family relationships love is really spelled t-i-m-e, time. 
Taking time for each other is the key for harmony at home. 
We talk with, rather than about, each other. 
We learn from each other, and we appreciate our
 differences as well as our commonalities. 
We establish a divine bond with each other as we approach 
God together through family prayer, gospel study, and Sunday worship."
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