Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Dinner at 9:00

Today I took the kids to Cafe Rio and Swig again!  
We also stopped by Deseret Book so I could get Claire (and me) 
some new garments!  It's been a long time since I've had white ones.

We pulled over to the side of the road and talked about life, missing Claire, 
and tricky family relationships.
It was a nice time to be with the kids.  
We've been so busy vacationing that we haven't connected as a family.
Nicholas had just bought a $400 drone from the sale of his motorcycle in February,
 so he stayed back at the Joneses, tinkering around with it
 while Christian was on a work call downstairs.
Some super good things are happening with work, and we are soooo excited!!  
The BYU MBA business school selected BOV-IQ for its capstone project.  
They will present it to several investors to get a seed round raised!  
I'm so excited for Christian.
Man, I want some GOOD THINGS to happen to him.  
He's been working so, SO hard!
When we got back from lunch, the boys (and LOTTIE!) were packing up 
the car to head out on an adventure and up the canyon.

We gals stayed home chatting and lounging around.
It's what Lindsay and I do best.
Finally, we decided to get a treat (another SWIG)
and salads for dinner later 
(like at 9:00, which is midnight for us Easterners!). 
We sat on the porch to chat and act silly 
while Jane and Avrey took photos of us.
I love Lindsay more than I can write in this post.
Other notables of the day: 
We signed Gigs up for DRIVERS ED at the end of April!!!!  
Wait!!  WHAT THE HECK???  '
He's too young!
Isn't he?

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