Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Learn Wisdom

"For behold, thus saith the Lord God: 
I will give unto the children of men line upon line, 
precept upon precept, here a little and there a little...."
After dinner, our family gathered in the living room for
 our scripture study and discussion.
We talked about how God sometimes answers our prayers
 one truth at a time, and it takes patience as we study and
 find answers to our heartfelt questions-- and even our worries.
I asked Lottie to put together a simple puzzle 
and only gave her four pieces to start.  
She put together a few pieces but 
needed help so I gave her another few pieces and
this went several more times until she had all the pieces to the puzzle.
Then we discussed what "line upon line" meant 
and I promised the Nies that even if we don't see the whole picture,
God does, and when we trust Him, pray to Him, and obey Him
 we will eventually see the whole picture.

Then with tears in my eyes I confessed to the Nies 
that I was struggling with this very
topic and have some heavy worries on my mind.
And I don't see the whole picture, in fact, I barely feel like
I have one piece to my puzzle.
I told them that this lesson was just as much for me as
it was for them, but oh how much I love and trust God's promise:
"....blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, 
and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom;
 for unto him that receiveth I will give more."
I will eagerly and patiently wait for more, 
it's hard, but I can do it, and so can my Nies.
* * * * *
For dinner, I made a family favorite black bean & quinoa burgers.
Here's the recipe because it's delicious:

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