Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Happy Birthday Jane B!

My beautiful Jane turns 17 today.
  Jane's pregnancy was the easiest in terms of energy, weight gain, and mood.
 (I got pregnant with Jane when Claire was just 6 months old),
After Claire was born, I changed my diet and started practicing yoga daily.
 Christian and I were taking birth classes in preparation for a natural delivery,
I researched holistic lifestyles 
and read every book Andrew Weil ever wrote.
On February 18th, 2003, the day Jane was born, 
I woke up, and per my usual daily exercise, I hiked the Y mountain in Provo
and when I got to the top
 I looked out on a snowy gray Utah day and then 
 I had a spiritual impression.
I felt very strongly that I needed to name this little peanut inside
 "Jane Bronwyn" instead of "Bronwyn Jane" as planned.
I like to think my great-great-grandma Jane Bee was speaking to me.
After all, the scriptures are full of stories of many who
hiked mountains to get closer to God and feel His spirit.  
Since I was at 8,520 feet, I was that much 
closer to heaven, where I could receive a spiritual impression, 
and that's how Jane's name was revealed to me.
Jane is my wild, opinionated, beautiful girl who reminds me
of the Venus de Milo, the Greek goddess of beauty and love.

We have some fun surprises in store for her today,
and yes, she is totally skipping school!
(Justin, thank you for the photos!)

PS...This is what Christian looked like when Jane was born:

P.S.S....This is what Claire looked like when Jane was born:

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