Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I worked in the yard today.

Tonight the amazing spring weather brought an evening bike ride.
Mr. Nielson put Lottie in the Yepp and we rode down to my brother, 
Matt's house to pick up our children who were at his house.
They all flock to his house because aunt Katy has endless otter-pops 
and Jell-O pudding snacks.
Mr. Nielson demonstrated to me how the Yepp can become
 an awesome carrier in a few easy steps.
Check it out:

This morning I took Lottie over to Aunt Megan's house for pretty much 
all day long so I could get some yard work done.
It got it done and Lottie took a great nap at Meggy's house!
Yay on both accounts!
Now I am so so so exhausted and beat.  
The dirt felt so good in my hands and it feels so 
nice to have a body that can function normally again.
I still have pain, and hurt (right now, I kind of want to cry a little bit)-
but I was able to work, and that feels so good.

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