Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmas break begins 2018

Our snow is all but gone as temperatures in Chapel Hill rise.
It was so beautiful while it lasted.
I am pretty much done with Christmas shopping.
My packages to loved ones sent out, and Christmas cards too.
Today is the first day of Christmas break, then it will officially
be family time!
I am looking forward to enjoying every second of everyday while I 
have the Little Nies home for this break.
Each year during the Christmas break we choose a movie series to watch
non-stop on blow-up mattresses in the living room in front of the TV.
This year we are watching all of the Harry Potter movies.
Lottie is still a little too young, so in the past when the movies
get intense or boring, she and I go onto my bed to 
 watch something in my room, or we read Christmas books together.
Other Christmas marathon series include:
Movie Marathon 2015

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