Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Top dollar

Today we are leaving the ranch. What a sad, depressing day,
but also a great day full of promise and excitement for the future.
We have been working all day for the past three days
packing up boxes and cleaning the ranch house.
It's been exhausting, and my legs hurt.
The sky today was endless and blue and clear.
I will miss this so much.
As soon as all our ducks are in a row, 
I will share our plans for the future.
(You know how that goes).
Christian took all of his cattle to the sale barn, and as the trailer 
disappeared out of sight down the dusty road, my heart ached inside. 
 He loved his "girls" and was a good steward to them.
 He had created a cool and precise feeding and immunization
 program that kept them healthy and heavy.
And because of that, he was able
 to top the market in sales with his herd-- his ladies brought top dollar!
For the past 3 years, Christian has been developing a cattle app
 that will change how cowboys and ranchers care for their cattle.  
It's a fantastic tool, and having his own herd here on the ranch has 
been very informative and helpful as he continues to develop the app.
So even though we are leaving and Christian sold his herd, 
we count this time on the ranch as a total win.
To end our exhausting blue-ish day, we had dinner 
 with some of our favorite people in the village.
  They were so sweet to invite us over and even make us a vegetarian meal! 
We will miss our friends in the village so much!

* * * * * * *
Teachings from RMN:
Dear brothers and sisters, we constantly seek direction 
from the Lord on how we can help our members keep the commandments of God, 
especially those two great commandments to love God and our neighbors.
We are engaged in the work of Almighty God.
 Jesus is the Christ! We are His humble servants!

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