Friday, April 20, 2018


Earlier this year, I got a phone call from Utah Valley University, and 
on the other line was Matt Holland. Matt is the very popular
 and distinguished President of the university.
President Holland informed me that I had been selected as 
a recipient to receive an Honorary Doctorate from the University. 
 Me?! (Are you sure?).
I was speechless and tearful on the other end of the phone.
Just last week, I received an official announcement in the mail.
Again, I felt inadequate.
As I prepare to receive this distinguished award, I have reflected on the many
family members, friends, teachers, medical staff, and acquaintances that have 
contributed to my life and who I am. It's so humbling.
I will be in the company of  Wolf Blitzer, 
Rev. France A. Davis, and Jeffrey L. Sermon.
Commencement is on May 3rd, and I am so thrilled to be with
 my children, family members, and friends in Utah
as we celebrate this great honor together.

* * * * * * * * * * *
Teachings from RMN:
 "Be an example of the believers; as followers of Jesus Christ,
 each of you can live in accord with His teachings.
 You can have "a pure heart and clean hands"; 
you can have "the image of God engraven upon your [countenance]."
 Your good works will be evident to others.
The light of the Lord can beam from your eyes.
With that radiance, you had better prepare for questions. 
The Apostle Peter so counseled, 
"Be ready always to give an answer to every man that 
asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you."

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