Monday, August 14, 2017

Transition to this new life

Today the Little Nies start school.
This is all new---everything about it, and it's exciting
 and scary all at the same time- for all of us.
One obvious difference in our situation is the amount
 of driving that is involved.
School is about 45 minutes away, and the girls are 
attending early morning seminary at 6:30, 
so we must wake up early to make this work.  
We can do anything with the Lord, and we trust Him
 to help us transition to this new life.
Last night Mr. Nielson gave Priesthood blessings to all of us as we embark 
on a new school year in a new setting.
The Priesthood is God's power on earth, and through it, we can receive
blessings of courage, faith, and hope, especially in times of trial, sickness,
comfort and in our family's situation: change.
It is a family tradition in our home (and most Mormon homes)
for a Priesthood holder (typically the father) to bless his children 
starting a new school year.
I gathered strength from these blessings I didn't know I could
muster. And I need all the help I can get these days.
Next week we will be doing our Back to School Feast. 
With the move, I am behind on everything.  
But slowly and surely, we will rebuild and find our groove.

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