Thursday, January 05, 2017

New Years Day 2016

This will be my last holiday review post of last year.
New Year's Day was much like Christmas Day, 
which was spent at home.
Since New Year's Day was on a Sunday, 
we spent our morning at church, then
spent the rest of the day at home, Hygge-ing!
Mr. Nielson and I prepared a New Years feast, and I made Risalamande
(Danish rice pudding) again.
It was such a hit on Christmas I promised the Little Nies, Mr. Nielson, 
and my mom, I'd make it again for our dessert.
We lit a few more fireworks and stayed up one 
last night watching movies in the living room
 I love celebrating with my family.  I love dressing up the house, 
the table, and our food to show my children they are important. 
 I hope the Little Nies know how much I love them 
and how much they mean to me. 
 They are everything in my world (and Mr. Nielson and Jesus, of course).

Happy New Year to you!


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