Thursday, September 10, 2015


Jane is learning how to play the violin.

While helping Ollie with his homework this afternoon, we were serenaded
 by the repetitive tune of "Hot Cross Buns" 
by Jane who is learning to play the violin.
It was, was amazing, and annoying at the same time.
But, I love that Jane has the confidence to develop this talent.
Last night at mutual, we listened to one of the girls leaders speak about her
 experiences helping women in Africa.  
During her talk, she emphasized the importance of recognizing 
the unique gifts that we have been blessed with by God.
 She explained how these gifts allow us to better serve others.
She went on to mention specific examples of these gifts, 
like the ability to listen with empathy, the talent of teaching, 
or the gift of hospitality. By utilizing these gifts, 
we can enhance the lives of those around us and 
fulfill our purpose as compassionate brothers and sisters.
I love watching my strong girls discover their strengths and talents.  
They have a responsibility to share and use their influence
 to lift and bless others- whatever that may be.
And I know that they will do just that as they grow and mature.
Both my girls have good hearts that naturally have a desire to do good.

They are exponentially better than I was at that age.  They try harder,
live deeper, and reach out to others in a very selfless way.
I am deeply proud of them; squeaky violin, beginner piano and all.

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