Thursday, December 07, 2023

Should Be Inhabited

Last night after dinner, Gigs yelled for me to come up and 
check out the gecko terrarium that he had just designed and built
for his newest three 4-legged friends.  
It was amazing.  He really has a talent.  
He's so detail-oriented and has an excellent eye for botany design.  
Last week, he and Christian mounted from the ceiling a 
swinging plant shelf where he keeps plants in the perfect spot in the sun.
I played around with the lizards, commented on the cockroach farm, 
and picked up a pile of clothes that he was "planning on" 
bringing downstairs for me to wash and started down the stairs.
Then he said to me:
"Mom, wait.  I was reading a scripture in 
The Book of Mormon that I thought was a really cool verse..."
 then he opened up his scriptures (I was trying not to freak out
 with excitement in his scripture message that he was sharing with me).
Then he read:
 "Behold, the Lord hath created the earth that it should be inhabited; 
and he hath created his children that they should possess it."
Then said,
"Don't you think that's so cool?  I love that He created the earth for
me to enjoy, to live here, and to have this beautiful earth.  It reminds
me of my bugs and caring for them.  I think he wants me to care for what He has created."

I told him I thought it was REALLY cool scripture and loved
his thoughts and feelings about it.  And I thought it was even cooler
that he felt the spirit and God
 speaking to him through the scriptures.
Then I walked down the stairs with an arm full of dirty boy clothes
and smile on my face.

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