Tuesday, October 10, 2023

It All Works Out!

 Christian and I zoomed around the backroad trails in search of
fall color and good vibes, and boy, did we find them!
We have packtalks hooked up on our helmets so we can communicate
with each other while riding.  
I am the 9-fingered Ninja.
We grabbed lunch, then rode on new trails that we had never been on,
and discovered new roads with beautiful homes on them.
We love doing that!
We came home later in the afternoon to Gigs and Lottie 
on the front lawn with Angus
feeding the chickens and waiting for us to get home.
A wave of peace washed over me. 
I truly felt like everything was going to be OK.
Earlier that day, I had read a talk by Sister Tamara Runia,  who said:
"...because of Christ, it all works out. 
Everything you and you and you are worried about—it’s all going to be OK! 
And those who look with an eye of faith can feel that it’s going to be OK now."

I have faith!

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