We're ending this beautiful October month with a bang!
As darkness came to Stillestead, we gathered out on the back porch
along with our knives and spoons to begin the annual
Halloween pumpkin carving tradition.
The crisp autumn air made the evening so festive and perfect for this activity!
Thank you, North Carolina!
However, our excitement was short-lived as we discovered that
our stinker chickens had feasted on two of the pumpkins,
leaving only two for us to carve.
And it was all fun until Lottie sliced her finger with the knife
then had to lie down on the couch so she wouldn't faint.
She looked like death had come for her.
I made her lay down and drink a Sprite
(the official sick drink).
Gigs and Lottie didn't look at each other's pumpkin faces,
and as it turns out, they carved the SAME faces.
Meanwhile...Christian flew to Arizona to celebrate his mom's
80th birthday with all of his siblings.

Enjoy Claire's 22nd birthday with her
(and watch her speak at her YSA stake conference! Go, Claire!).
They drove to the mountains to see the fall colors
and enjoy some cooler weather.
Claire is planning on coming home for the holidays,
and we're soooo excited.
Especially Lottie.
She's making a paper chain until her best friend comes home!