Sunday, August 20, 2023

Oliver in Brazil: August 2023

August for Ollie/ Elder Nielson has been packed!
After relocating to a different area (after an emergency transfer)
he got a new companion from Paraguay and picked up
some Spanish.
His new area is not as friendly, 
and the people are not as open to the work,
which has been challenging.
Just last week, he became a trainer to a new Elder from Tennessee, 
and they bonded over their shared Southern roots.
He loves the other missionaries he works with and loves his
Mission Leaders!
He's tired when we talk on the phone but seems so good
and positive.  He never complains, but from what I've gathered, he:
Steps in dog poop often (lots of dogs on the streets).
Takes cold showers (not on purpose).
He can't rely on the haircuts he gets on Pday (could be good or bad).
Gained a pound or two and broke his backpack.
Go, Ollie, GO!

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