Tuesday, August 08, 2023


 Yesterday we talked to Jane and Ollie on the phone, like always.
Both missionaries are doing fantastic!
Both are busy meeting all the challenges that young missionaries face;
the language (although they both sound fantastic speaking Portuguese!),
their companions, connecting with new friends, they meet and
teach, and hope those friends keep their commitments to God
on their own covenant path with Him.

Jane only has two more transfers until she gets home in January.
Often we talk about what she really misses, like;
sitting on the front porch swing with a Dr. Pepper in her hand,
listening to music.
We talk about the things we're going to make together (bread!),
the movies we're going to watch (Brooklyn!),
and taking a Barre3 class together again!
Halfway through the conversation, I noticed Jane had her
 hair tucked into her shirt, and it looked super cute!
We talked about how long her hair was getting, and 
then she told me when she gets home, she wants
to cut her hair.
I always discouraged her from cutting her hair because it's such a 
beautiful color...like Merida, the princess.
But it does look adorable!
And change is so good!

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