Friday, March 17, 2023

Green Scrubs

 I have to acknowledge the fact that today is St. Patricks Day
and we didn't do anything about it.
This is so unlike me, but we were in Arizona and out of our element,
so I have an excuse.  I hate when Lottie tells me that
I'm not as fun as I used to be when Claire and Jane were her age.
I hate getting old.
But I count visiting Claire in her GREEN SCRUBS at the
Arizona Burn Center as our festive offering to St. Patrick.
But seriously, I don't have a lot of words to type as 
I try and gather my feelings seeing Claire today in action
 on the burn floor in the hospital;
the same hospital, the same floor, and the rooms as the ones Christian
and I lay in, lived in, relearnt in, and healed in 14 years ago.
It literally took my breath away.
I love this full-circle moment we're having!
I love her passion and love for the burn patients and staff!
I love her drive and desire to help with compassion and understanding because
she gets it, and she's natural at this job, and I'm so proud of her! 

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