Friday, December 17, 2021

All we do is talk about them.

 It's funny how when Christian and I go out to have time 
alone all we do is talk about our children.
Part of the reason we're going out is to get away from them- 
not in a mean evil way, but we need to recharge together just the two of us.
But we can never really escape they occupy our minds 24/7.
But, rightly so.  They are wonderful children and we want so much
for them to see happiness and success.
On our way home from our anniversary trip, we decided to get tickets 
to see the new Spiderman movie together and kick off Christmas break right.
(Today was their last day of school).
We all met up for lunch and the movie, 
then later had the missionaries over for dinner.
I've always loved the missionaries but especially so 
since Claire is a missionary far away.
I hope someone is loving and feeding her!

Happy Christmas break!

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