Thursday, January 02, 2020

Oliver is 15

Happy 15th Birthday to my handsome, sweet, good, 
and strong boy, Oliver Christian.
Stats and info:
Born in New Brunswick, New Jersey
January 2nd, 2005 around 3:00 pm. 
7 pounds, 8 ounces and 19 inches long.
Delivered by Pam our midwife in our little home on Harvey Circle.
Never broken a bone.
Has beautiful eyes.
Face-times me frequently to check in (and ask what's for dinner).

Is taller than me.
Has bigger feet than his father.
Is beloved by his two older sisters (and younger sibs too).
Is our true middle child.
Is a natural leader.
Has a powerful testimony of Jesus Christ.
Has knowledge of his divine relationship as a son of God.
Loves motorcycles, football, and motorcycles.

I love you son!

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