It was a short day- which seems silly they even go at all.
I swear once they are out the door and I have cleaned up The White House,
moved my body (aka: exercise),showered, and gotten dressed,
they are all back home again.

(Gigs is in Hygge mode on the couch...can you see him?)
Lucky for me, the older Nies drove to
the bus stop after school to pick up Lottie and Gigs
which gave me a few extra minutes to prepare lunch since I
didn't pack them with one.
They all bounded through the door extra happy.

I made Hygge-pudding with cherry sauce
our favorite Scandinavian holiday treat, and a Nielson classic.

I also warmed up crusty bread and warm oil to dip
and a variety of cheeses (a family must-have).
Of course there was hot chocolate and fruit too.

It was a perfect way to start our Christmas break off right.
Around 4:00, Mr. Nielson and the 4 older Nies spent
the rest of the evening serving
in the temple while Lottie (since she is too young to go to the temple),
and I went to a movie theater nearby the temple and saw Frozen 2.
Lottie talked to me the whole way through the movie.
She commented on what was happening, every colorful detail,
the girls dresses, the new characters,
Olaf, and how she liked the songs in Frozen 1 better.
I was just happy to be with her on a little Christmas date
eating Junior mints and popcorn.
As we were walking out of the movie, my other half and
offspring drove by-- they had finished at the temple...perfect timing.
We zoomed back to Durham to pick up Angus from the groomers.
(He looks so nice. He needed a Christmas cut and bath).
Then to end our night
we all had dinner at a restaurant and listened to Angus bark
like crazy in the back of the car in the parking lot.
Welcome welcome Christmas!
* * * * * *
“It seems appropriate that giving and receiving gifts
is a central part of Christmas.
After all, we are celebrating the matchless gift of God’s Son,
the Savior Jesus Christ. Of course, our gifts to each other
will never compare to this gift, but I believe that the joy
of giving and receiving gifts can turn our hearts
toward the ‘gifts of God’ [Moroni 10:8].”
—Douglas D. Holmes,
First Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency
First Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency