Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Grateful Family

Tonight around the fire we had our family home evening and 
discussed what we were thankful for.
I shared my feelings of gratitude for good health and strong children.
I also said how grateful I am for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my
 life, and for a prophet who is our earthy guardian.
I am also so thankful that miracles still happen on earth today.
Then I asked the Little Nies to share what they were grateful for,
 and here is what they said:

Christian: Family, children, WIFE, and cows.
Claire: The Book of Mormon
Jane: Family traditions and Christmas
Oliver: Strong body
Nicholas: Good doctors to who know what 
they are doing, and a mom and dad.
Lottie: Her life.

Then we shared our testimonies of Christ and how excited we
were to be celebrating His birth this time of year.
I told the Little Nies that earlier in the day I saw a car
driving down the road with a Christmas tree on its roof.
Everyone squealed with excitement!
This Friday we are planning on going to chop our tree
down in the Smoky Mountains.
Friday is also Mr. Nielson's birthday!
We are crossing our fingers that Gigs feels up to
this little adventure.  He is doing so good!
Then we made Christmas lists to send to Santa.
This truly is the most wonderful time of the year!

Also, I am thankful for this photo Mr. Nielson and I took
years ago.  It still makes me laugh really hard.
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